Tuesday, April 7, 2020

You were that string of my guitar

  • You were that string of my guitar

Which ringed & resonated all my chords, chimed them perfectly.....

When you broke away 😭.....
I tried to wind you up again.....
But I couldn't 😭
You were that string of my guitar
Which had tightest hold and kissed all my chords perfectly......

When you shattered away😭......
I tried to replace you with another....
But I couldn't 😭
You were that string of my guitar
Which hooked it up in your chain and took away all chains perfectly.......

When you fell away 😭......
I tried to throw my guitar with you....
But I couldn't 😭
You were that string of my guitar
The only and the perfect one😍
The perfectly perfect oneπŸ’—

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