Saturday, February 2, 2019

Maths Of Relations...!

We meet new people everyday, some come in our life by coincidence and sometimes we glance in their lives. This cycle continues and we never settle for few. Curiosity lead us to take new steps everyday. And we build new relations too.

              Few people always stay there like long lasting stain on clothes.😀 

             But now you can remove some stains too(by magical PO-RUB-PO kind of tricks😉) but these people will never leave you(No tricks work here😐), they reappear like sunlight or moonlight when you feel clouds on your head and they play hide and seek with your emotions.😕

Remember they will always come back...!

Wait for them!

           You will fight with them.You will feel like its over now. You will go in despair but they will always seek you back...and if they won't then you take the first step.

Some relations are symmetrical
They work on "mine is yours and yours is mine" principle.

Some relations are reflexive
They are those strings which will stress themselves but won't break and will restrain back. they are indeed part of your own.

Some relations are transitive
 They are connected by special middle magical force like love or loved ones.

      And when you combine symmetrical, reflexive and transitive relations you will definitely get one equivalence relation.
And equivalent relations are always worth of taking risks.
Recharge your battery of relations and connect with WI-FI of happiness. 
Take off your ego's headphones and listen to the real music of loved one's amazing stories. 😁
And always remember,
Things will change!
People will change!

  keeping relations CONSTANT is your job!

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