Tuesday, April 7, 2020

You were that string of my guitar

  • You were that string of my guitar

Which ringed & resonated all my chords, chimed them perfectly.....

When you broke away 😭.....
I tried to wind you up again.....
But I couldn't 😭
You were that string of my guitar
Which had tightest hold and kissed all my chords perfectly......

When you shattered away😭......
I tried to replace you with another....
But I couldn't 😭
You were that string of my guitar
Which hooked it up in your chain and took away all chains perfectly.......

When you fell away 😭......
I tried to throw my guitar with you....
But I couldn't 😭
You were that string of my guitar
The only and the perfect one😍
The perfectly perfect oneπŸ’—

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Maths Of Relations...!

We meet new people everyday, some come in our life by coincidence and sometimes we glance in their lives. This cycle continues and we never settle for few. Curiosity lead us to take new steps everyday. And we build new relations too.

              Few people always stay there like long lasting stain on clothes.πŸ˜€ 

             But now you can remove some stains too(by magical PO-RUB-PO kind of tricksπŸ˜‰) but these people will never leave you(No tricks work here😐), they reappear like sunlight or moonlight when you feel clouds on your head and they play hide and seek with your emotions.πŸ˜•

Remember they will always come back...!

Wait for them!

           You will fight with them.You will feel like its over now. You will go in despair but they will always seek you back...and if they won't then you take the first step.

Some relations are symmetrical
They work on "mine is yours and yours is mine" principle.

Some relations are reflexive
They are those strings which will stress themselves but won't break and will restrain back. they are indeed part of your own.

Some relations are transitive
 They are connected by special middle magical force like love or loved ones.

      And when you combine symmetrical, reflexive and transitive relations you will definitely get one equivalence relation.
And equivalent relations are always worth of taking risks.
Recharge your battery of relations and connect with WI-FI of happiness. 
Take off your ego's headphones and listen to the real music of loved one's amazing stories. 😁
And always remember,
Things will change!
People will change!

  keeping relations CONSTANT is your job!

Blurry Carpet

Carpet of chewing gum
Is stuck on my tongue
I am speaking fuzzy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of  black hairs
Is blocking my sunlight
I am thinking hazy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of spectacles
Is choking my vision
I am seeing muddy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of earrings
Is grabbing all attention
I am hearing cloudy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of tan
Is tarnishing my reflectance
I am doing unclear.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of shoes
Is separating me & Earth
I am walking smear.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Or is it
Carpet of negativity on my soul
Is stopping my good heart
I am living a blur blur blur......everywhere?

Breaking Shells...

This time I will make sure to look into your eyes when you are talking to me ....But next time I will make sure to talk to you when I am looking into your eyes.....

This time I will make sure to laugh at your silly jokes....But next time I will make sure to make silly jokes on your laughter..... 

This time I will make sure to listen all your blabber...But next time I will make sure to blabber to listen me....

This time I will make sure to agree with everyone.....But next time I will make sure that everyone will agree with me....

This time I will make sure to be shelled by your breaks.......But next time I will make sure to break all those shells.....


Oh moon,
I wish I could see your other side too....
I can't judge you by just one sided love....
Still I adore you & love you

Because of your selflessness
You gave all effulgence & luster to me....
Already gifted you by your sun.....

Because  with all your flaws
you are still beautiful
You are confident
& proud of who you are
Accepting all blemish marks
Being your own self...

Because you are power Holder
Of huge ocean....
Bluish earth is churning & swirling
By your gravity....

Because you are an inspiration
Of Nocturnal rhymester,
sonneteers & poets...
Biggest diamond in their soul...

Oh moon,
I wish I could see your other side too....

Momma the muse...

Your womb was my home
And now
I roam with your half genome....

I used to nap on your lap
And now
I map you in my rap....

You & me were together fused
And now
you are my amused muse....


I hate it
When they just pretend
To be nice
With forced smiles
With 'Hi & Hellos',
& Stupid 'How are you's...
When they are​ wise
& They knew
Problem of mine
& I am not fine...

With double entrendes,
Pitiful praises,
Corny comments,
Snarky remarks,
They drill hole
Firing bullets of questions
To find my half missing soul...
Like healing(killing) me is there goal....

Why don't they understand
They are hurting me more
Or may be they are doing
This purposely to make me sore....

I just want to scream
on their faces one day,
I knew I would​ gather
That much courage to say....

Free your art.....

Free your art
From the object....
Description will be
The subject.....
Object this subject
Subject will object,
Your art.....

Free your vision
From the limits
Grab your attention
On rare wits.....
Holding this object
Close to your eyes,
You shut out the world
& Creativity dies...
Don't let them limit
Your vision....

Free your vision,
Free your art
Fulfill ambition
By best dart.....
Conquer mission
You are smart
Warm wishes
From my heart....

Who Is Burning?

I always envy
The shining star
Near the moon....
More than me,
It's the moon,
Flaming white in Jealousy.....
Or is it the shining star
Burning more than us?

What is a mistake?

Wrong deed for right reason?
Right deed for wrong reason?

Mistakes are questions,
Questions have solutions,
Solutions are confusions,
Confusions are illusions,
Illusions are again questions,
Revolving in revolutions,

Mistake is the revolution.....
One must do for progession
And satisfaction...
With sacrifice and dedication....
To learn new lesson &
Correct direction......

My love is your hate....

I bottled moonlight of Crescent moon
Sunlight of full sun .......
I bottled love of mine
Hate of yours....
I found​,
Both are same
Only difference is
One reflecting surface of moon
One thin line of misunderstanding...
But it won't change the facts,
Moonlight is sunlight
My love is your hate.....

Peace is hard to endeavour....

Rage hurts me more
            Than the one
            I am raging on...

Dark rain clouds are full with agony
In the sky,
Still there is no rain blast
Don't know why...
                 My heart is boiling in the rage,
                 Still I am acting like the sage.....

Taking in oxygen,
To clear my vision,
In this blurry region...
              Lungs are breathing too fast,
              To get over the past
              I hope I will won at last...
Mind explodes worst
Than the volcano outburst
& I want to get out of this hell first....

I can't keep this load anymore
Question is what to choose?
                Floor to soar?
               Door to roar?
Peace is hard to endeavour....


I want to search myself in icy steel  sapphires....
I wish I could find myself  in those deep pools.....
I wish my permanent address would be those aquamarine eyes....
I want those crystal blue mirrors,
always showing glittering glory
of your & my soul......

I want to search my lyrics in your melodies....
I wish I could decorate your​ jingles with my rhythms.....
I wish my soothing music would​ always
Find its final destination in your heart.....
I want those miraculous virtuoso hands and voice always tuning  mingling songs
of your & my soul...

I want to search my feet in somewhere between your footprints.....
I wish you would find me as your journey partner.....
I wish my sense compass would​ help us to find success path......
I want those fast leg swords to treasure them in  running chasing battle
Of your & my soul......


Oh I love crying....
Different calibers,
delicate moods.....

Oh I love crying...
Weeping for empathy,
Whimpering with ache,
Sobbing for despair,
Sniveling with pain,
Howling for anger,
Bawling with regret,
Wailing for griefs,
Whining with complaints,
Mourning for death,
Mewling with craves...

Oh I love crying.....
Wings of cry
floats me up
over the river of
sorrow & delight
Freeing me away

Oh I love crying.....
Shoes of cry
Keeps my feet
On the earth
With freaking control
Holding me away

Oh I love crying.....
Spiral & twisted
With shoes & wings
In middle of trauma
Swaying on swings
Away from
Oh I love crying.....

Fumed flame

Don't blame me for being a fierce
They caged that flame in my tears

Keeping her safe for years in my heart
I feed her oxygenated rage to ignite every part

So that one day she will burn down
That cage without a key
& On that day she will flee..


Roar of clouds,
Penetrates anger
Drop by drop...
Comes far away
In earth's embrace
To sob......
Sprinkles & sand
Life & leaves
Unites to mop......

This fragrance 
Of first rain
Drives me

This aroma
Captures my senses
Leaving nothing behind but traces......

Fake consolations

My version of living hell
Will never match
Your version of living hell
So please don't try to make me well....

I am in huge nutshell
I am not ready to tell
So please don't dwell
Otherwise I will yell

Understanding pain is art
Not that easy problem, to sort
Your words are not from your heart
So they will never reach my heart

You won't ever feel empathy
So please don't show sympathy...

Venomous Viper

Hallucinating mirage
Ready to Cage,
Your trust,
With fake image....

Fire in the fireflies
Beaten by
the glimmering
confidence in the lies....

Before you blink
They will hoodwink
Leaving you to sink
Doing this without shrink...

Such a liar,
Conspirer & sniper
Nothing else but
A Venomous Viper.....

Cognitive dissonance

Monkey bone is
Crashing with
Scruples and conscience....

Good god ,evil devil are
Fighting with
Abience and Adience...

Fractured skull is
Thinking with
Brain's presence....

Taking one side is
big dilemma....
After knowing consequence....

I can be the light with dual nature....
Sometimes wave being particle......
Sometimes  particle being wave.....
Still it's a cognitive dissonance....


She won't talk in a way
She will probably walk away....
She won't see you though
She has sea of emotions for you...

In the flash of flame & fame
When comes her name,
She is flushed with blush
& Hides sudden​ly in the rush...

She is shy
Don't know why
You just go
& Say "Hi"


Just his mere presence,
Beside me
Brought essence
To my existence...

Just this mere essence,
Residing in me
Is enough to lose sense
Airy still dense.....

Just this mere lost sense,
Inside of me
Crawling with suspense
Its surely his influence.....


I tripped,
I flipped,
I slipped,
& Broke my head along with my mind.....
I don't remember anything now.....
I can't recognise anyone now.....
Oh who are you? Who I am?
What is this? What is that?

Old paper with new pen...
New poem with old ink....

Old canvas with new paints...
New portrait with old brush....

Old stage with new drama...
New role with old essence...

I hope it won't bother me now...
I tripped,
I flipped,
I slipped,
& Broke my head along with my mind.....

Catching Stars

Sitting in the moonlight
Near the edge of a pond...
Fishes are playing with might
Around my legs with a fond...

Heavy rain, starry night
Alone with umbrella & foggy sight
Eyes are spinning from left to right
From bottom to up for bright

Beaming,Blazing, dazzling stars
Worth of doing many wars
I want that cluster of stars &
Whole Stardust to wash my scars....

I just held my umbrella in a pond.....
Water of their Reflections is in my bond....
Clusters​ of stars are
Jailed in my umbrella...
Just to free another Cinderella....


There is one portrait
Hanging on my wall,
Purple black horse
Shiny and tall.....
I always feel his eye on me,
That curious orb gawking at me...
Is it my illusion or the fact?
I need to find out by any tact....
I remember that day,
When I drew him
While nervously eating
My chococream....
I poured my soul
To make him look real
Still marvellous and ideal...
I still doubt,
Is that my soul arrested in him,
Shouting to come out?
That mysterious horse wants
Chococream out of me,
To shout?


When you only breath
To pass the time
And your whole world is burnt
Then there is no use of being phoenix

When your wings are broken
To fly above the clouds
And heavy rain is there
Then there is no use of being eagle

When you have pearl inside you
To shine in the dark abyss
And you need full moon to open shell
Then there is no use of being Oyster


Those mountains seems blue
As I watch from far...
But they are green
As I look from near
This distance between
me and them
Changes them
From green to blue...
Then why when you
Go away from me
You still look green
Who painted you
So emerald hue?


I drank your believes,
You spilt out my doubts
On those eves
You walked​ out

I trusted you with open eyes
You trusted me blind
But chain of doubts arises
In your iffy mind

May be you will never
Speak to me again
It won't be my loss ever
neither your gain

Because I don't want
Uncertainty in my life
& You surely want
Certainty in your life

So let's just end this
Uncertain relation
With smile, kiss
And Congratulation.


Wanna stab me?
stab me either on heart or brain....
I will prefer brain over heart...
Memory loss will help me to forget you
& Certainly my heart loss....
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.

But you prefer heart over brain...
Because when I will lose my heart
Definitely I will forget you....
You are the one
Who resides there....
Your existence will go with my heart....
So again
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.

Wanna stab me?
Don't stab anywhere else...
Because if you'll spare my heart & brain
I promise this agony & pain,
I will repay you with equal love &
With more gratitude.......
So again
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.
Wanna stab me?
Stab me in both brain & heart....
I promise I will return to meet my love
By being a Phantom.....
So again
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.
What to say dear? love always wins.....


A cyclone of guilt is encircling me
Do something and make me free

Guilt digs deeper in a fresh wound
Raw blood & misery that's all I found

I am standing on inhuman island
Stay up there and just give your hand

Courage is dead
But spine is
still straight dear

Hopes are dead
But wait is
Still here

Peacock's Plumes or Eyes?

Two inverted hearts lies in those eyes
changes colours with different angles

Rich midnight blue pupil heart,
Union of dark night with ocean's aquamarines...

Shiny teal green iris heart,
Union of sunlight with earth's​  purple mountains & lush greeneries.....

Copper brown sclera of those eyes
Is full of chocolate pool....

Those coffee eyelashes with shiny yellow & lilac liners can make anyone fool.....

Many secrets are hidden & alluring charm of glamour is yet to unleash
Beauty & mystery of those eyes
Are hard to consume....

This shimmering glimmering play of hues is nothing but iridescent peacock's plume...


From dusk till dawn &
From dawn till dusk
In this full yet
Empty graveyard
I will stay
Near your tomb.....
In your journey
From your mom's womb
To the earth's womb
You were fibre of my soul
And My only goal.....
Now I will lie here
on your​ tomb till
My tomb binds me
With you dear...

Sometimes best is worst...

Sometimes love is worst than hate...
If I have to vacate
My heart for
Love to fit in....
Then love is worst than hate......

Sometimes Cure is worst than disease...
If cure is killing me
By pain,
More than disease...
Then cure is worst than disease....

Sometimes sweet dreams are worst than nightmares......
If dreams are not holding
Anymore reality
But just unrealistic imagination....
Then sweet dreams are worst than nightmares....

Sometimes hopes are worst than despair.....
If hope brings
disappointment Everytime,
With unsatisfactory wishes...
Then hopes are worst than despair.....


I promised myself,
To take that secret to the grave.
I even dug my own grave.
Buried myself within it,
Keeping that secret locked,
In my beating heart.
I didn't know,
Some ghoul would take it out,
From my corpse,
By feeding on my dead heart.


About You
My life escaped the hourglass
By Casting your silhouette
With my shadow....
It was always about you....

My life whirls in the cyclone
By Blending your illusion
With my hallucination....
It is always about you....

My life will crave the moments
By harmonizing your memories
With my doom....
It will be always about you....


There is no use When you only breath To pass the time And your whole world is burnt Then there is no use of being phoenix When you...